Learn the craft of 2D and 3D Photo Collage
with Helga van Stralen
Courses is in het Nederlands en Engels
Whether you are a curious beginner or wish to perfect your skills you are most welcome at the Treehouse NDSM in Amsterdam (two minutes walk from the ferry).
With the technique of making 2D and 3D Photo Collage (cutting from magazines or old books) you go on a voyage of discovery and make your own beautiful collage. Combining photos allows stories to unfold under your hands.
From my profession as a visual artist I can help you with composition, proportions and technique.
Monday afternoon from 2 - 4.00 pm;
or on Monday evening from 7.30 - 9.30 pm;
5 rides card for €300,- incl. 21% Vat and material.
Sign up by mail:
NDSM Treehouse TT Neveritaweg studio 55-2B, 1033 WB, Amsterdam
The NDSM wharf was a Unique status, it is a Cultural sanctuary where many cultural activities can be found.
The Treehouse is a dynamic community where artists inspire and question each other, but also invite a wide audience to come and see and listen to their work and where courses and workshops are given.